There will be a training session for anyone wishing to be considered for the 2017 Orkney Under 12 football squad on Sunday 11 December at Stromness Academy from 11.00-12.00.
This session is intended to give the coaches an idea of numbers interested in playing in this age bracket, trials and further training will commence in early 2017. Training is open to anyone born between 1 January 2005 and 31 December 2005 and to cover the cost of pitch hire a contribution of £2 per player would be appreciated.
We hope to train on the 3G pitch so could all interested in attending ensure adequate warm clothing. However we do have the option of training in the games hall if the weather is awful so could all players also take indoor boots.
If any player would like to play in this squad but cannot make this training session it would be useful to have their details so please contact either of the coaches:
Gary Foubister [email protected] Mob: 07518 104237
Steven Tulloch [email protected] Mob: 07753 723096.