
Sailing Archive:

Results from Orkney Sailing Events in recent years. In years gone by Orkney has had regattas in various locations including Burray, Finstown, St. Margaret's Hope, Rousay and Stronsay. Five main regattas continue each year, and Burray has recently made a comeback. These events are always worth attending whether for social atmosphere, good racing or an entertaining day out at a scenic location. Each event has something different to offer, below you can find a rough outline of each event.

For historical regatta information check out the old archive section which has been formed to cover Orkney sailing from the previous century. If you are interested in the history of sailing in Orkney you might like to check out the old boats page and the boat stories page.


Holm   Westray Stromness Rousay Kirkwall Longhope Finstown
2000   2000 2000   2000 2000
2001   2001 2001   2001 2001
2002     2002   2002 2002
2003     2003   2003 2003
2004   2004 2004 2004 2004  
2005 Holm Yachts and Singlehanders 2005 2005   2005  
2006 2006 2006   2006 2006
2007   2007   2007
2008 2008   2008     2008 2008
2009 2009 2009 2009   2009  
2010   2010     2010 2010
2011     2011   2011 2011
2012   2012 2012   2012  
2013     2013   2013 2013
2014   2014     2014   Burray
2015   2015 2015     2015
2016   2016 2016   2016  
2017   2017 2017   2017   2017
2018     2018   2018 2018 2018
2019     2019   2019 2019 2019
2021     2021   2021   2021
2022   2022 2022   2022   2022
2023   2023 2023   2023    

Other Sailing Events


Points Racing Port to Port Skippers' Race Kemp Cup P & O Tankard Frozen Food Challenge
  2002   2002  
  2003   2003  
2004 2004 2004   2004
    2005 2005 2005
2006   2006 2006 2006 2006
2007 2007   2007   2007
2010 2010
2011 2011   2011  
2012 2012   2012
2013     2013
2014 2014   2014
2015     2015
2016 2016    
2017 2017 2017 2017
2019 2019   2019
2021     2021   2021
2022 2022   2022    
2023     2023    

Inter Club races 2012

Shetland Fireball Championships 2014

Holm and Stromness Interclub 2008

UK Snipe National Championships:2013 2017

Holm Sailing Club Trophies Listings of winners of Holm Sailing Club trophies over the years.

Holm Regatta is popular as a good venue in the Eastern side of Scapa Flow. Holm Sailing Club has a robust Snipe fleet but welcomes all sailing craft for their annual festival of sail. At Holm you can expect friendly racing with a good mix of sailing dinghies.

Westray Regatta is renowned for magnificent food, the event is run from Pierowall, a  2 hour ferry journey from Kirkwall. The event is popular among the yachts who often stay overnight for the late night revelry. Westray has an indigenous fleet of Yoles which always provide a graceful spectacle. The course is generally a large triangular arrangement, typically a morning race is followed by a break for lunch and then an afternoon race.

Longhope Regatta has a superb venue and always has a friendly atmosphere, a great family day out. Transport: a car ferry runs from Houton to Lyness in Hoy, generally the ferry times are changed for the regatta so folk can arrive in good time and leave after the prize giving. There is a bit of a drive from Lyness to Longhope, which the sailing club generally arrange for sailors. Alternatively there is a passenger ferry from Stromness to Moness. Keep an eye on the tide here as it can be quite strong near the pier.

Stromness Regatta, Stromness has a strong Snipe fleet and the regatta is generally well attended. Depending on weather conditions the racing is held round the Bay of Ireland, or a short course round laid marks within the sheltered harbour. The race schedule is generally arranged to avoid conflicts with the ferry. The Golf Club is used for the prizegiving after. The tide can be significant while racing outside the harbour. In Stromness you can expect a friendly event with competitive Snipe racing.

Kirkwall Regatta is hosted by Orkney Sailing Club. In 2014 Kirkwall Regatta was the biggest dinghy regatta in Orkney, with a host of sailing craft taking part including Snipes, Yoles, Westray Skiffs, Lasers, Catamarans and Yachts. A reception/prizeging is held in the Girnel after racing. The Kemp Cup is also hosted by the Orkney Sailing Club, and is a blast around Scargun Shoal and Thieves Holm at the end of the season. The Kemp Cup itself is a large silver goblet, the largest sailing trophy contested in Orkney. Orkney Sailing Club has good facilities at Hatston including a wide slipway and a purpose built changing room/storage shed.

Burray Regatta formed part of the Orkney regatta circuit many years ago (Prior to the 1970s there were regattas in St. Margaret's Hope, Stronsay, Rousay and Burray), but the event eventually fell off the local sailing calendar. In 2017 the Burray Regatta was resurrected with the help and support from some of the other local sailing clubs, Burray Boatyard, the Sands Hotel, as well as some lovely handcrafted trophies made by Sheila Fleet. The event continues to be a success. Burray is one of the South Isles, connected to the Orkney Mainland via the Churchill Barriers.

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