
Key Documents

Three categories of documents are included on this page:

  • Statutory documents i.e. required under Scottish or UK law.
  • Partnership documents
  • Other documents of interest

Statutory documents

Orkney Community Plan 2023-30, incorporating the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (LOIP)

Every community planning partnership is required to publish a Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (LOIP). Orkney Community Plan incorporates Orkney's LOIP and is refreshed, updated and reissued every year. It describes what we aim to achieve by working together in partnership.​

Orkney Community Plan 2023-30 EqIA

Orkney Community Plan 2023-30 ICIA


Locality Plan 2024-2026 - Ferry Linked Isles

Every community planning partnership in Scotland must produce one or more locality plans. A locality plan identifies local areas which are relatively disadvantaged in terms of social and economic opportunities and sets out what the partnership will do to improve outcomes in the area. 

For this plan, priorities for action were identified from the development plans produced by the communities on each island.


Previous Locality Plan - 2018-21



A statutory, progressive five-year plan to provide strategic direction in relation to corporate parenting, setting the framework within which all Orkney Partnership agencies will work to improve the lives of our care-experienced children, young people and care leavers.


Partnership documents

The resources, in cash and kind, that are used to deliver our priorities.

This version was published in September 2019 following a review.

The Plan relates to all three strategic priorities of the Partnership and complements a range of Partnership work.

Guide to planning and delivery of services, strategies and policies that reflect the needs of communities across Orkney.

How to promote the work of the Partnership to the public and within Partner organisations

Verifiction process for formal adoption by the Orkney Community Planning Partnership.


Recent documents of interest

This plan was replaced in October 2021 by the latest Community Plan, see above.

The Vibrant Economy Delivery Group (superseded in 2021) co-ordinated management of this plan, which was approved by the Board in March 2017.

To make better and more efficient use of their properties, Partners work together to take a more innovative and creative approach to their use, disposal and development.


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