
08 March 2023Follow Orkneycommunities on Twitter and Facebook

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27 December 2021Season's Greetings and a FREE GIFT!

Season's Greeting from all of us at Orkneycommunities.co.uk (and if you are a webmaster and wish to join our management committee please get in touch).

We have a lovely free gift for you for 2022.

You may recall the Orkneycommunities charity calendar that we published for charity in 2010, for 2011. This successfully made a profit of £1875 (see here for the story and some Then and Now pictures).

As is the perpetual nature of calendars, it is now valid again for 2022 (and 2033, 2039, 2050, 2061, 2067...), so here you go, have a high resolution download (2.6MB) of the full calendar to print off, or use as Windows wallpaper- see External Link below. 

Don't place too much faith in the moon phases or dates of the school holidays though.

Steven Heddle
Orkneycommunities webmaster

(Any copyright existing in the pictures and text in this calendar resides with the contributors, authors or photographers and no commercial use is implied or sanctioned without their express approval.)


21 January 2016Webmasters! Is your site paid up?

Can I please ask webmasters to check if they have received an invoice for the annual fee, and also that it has been paid.

The invoice would have been sent about the start of September to the person registered as the administrative contact on the Orkneycommunities database, usually the webmaster. If the webmaster has changed then it may be that this information is out of date and the invoice has gone to the wrong person. and that the contact details need updating. Equally something may have been lost in translation when passing the invoice tothe treasurer of your organisation.

If you could check this it would be most appreciated, as it will save the treasurer of our organisation fruitlessly chasing the wrong people. If you wish to update your details, and/or receive a fresh invoice please email [email protected] or [email protected].

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