
Photo Library

If you have any pictures relating to The Orkney Club, we'd love to see them. Please contact us through the "Feedback" page.

Below is a selection of pictures from our archives.


 David Oddie, Alec Doloughan and Roger Robson; circa 1980 


Duncan Cameron & Angus Windwick - Ortak Cup fishing 2009


Anna Dunsmuir - Cocktails Night, September 2007


Presentation to Murdo MacDonald (right) on his retirement as wine treasurer, a post he held for 25 years. On the left is David Kemp. 1970s.


Stevie Burns, Robbie Spence and Ken Grant - American Snooker 2009


Bob Innes, Steve Flett, Iain Wilkie and Grant Martin - Golf outing 2008


Liz Norquoy, Dennis and Sheila Walls, Inga and Dave Oddie, Magnus Ritch and Ian McKune. Circa 1980.


Sandie Cowie and John Richards lose control of the bain-marie. Haggis and Clapshot Night, January 2009.


 L to R - Jim Chalmers, Andrew Duncan, Dan Rosie, David Kemp, Neil Johnstone, David Oddie, John Findlay and Brian Kemp. 1970s


Susan Smith - Mulled Wine and Mince Pie Night - Dec 2006


The Fastliners - Blues night - May 2010


Kelly Leonard and Lena Bews, Sept. 1992.


Duncan and Angus ready to launch for the 2010 Ortak Cup Comp.S

Stevie Burns and Alistair Smith prepare for the Whisky Tasting Night, 19th January 2013

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