Walk near St Margaret's Hope
described by Ian Stallard from
Orkney Ramblers Club
(5 miles easy)
Meet in Cromarty Square (GR ND 446 935)
Leave the Square along School Road (Toilets/waiting room on corner). Follow School Road past the school on your right, the road bends right then left.
Immediately after the farm named Farewell (on the right) there is a well defined track to the right. Follow this track for a hundred metres or so until you come to a series of metal gates, turn right here and go along the burn which is on your right as you proceed along this rough path.
Continue past the large red farm building until the track improves leading to a crossroads. Turn left here along the concrete roadway (tarmac road in front and to your right).

Follow this road (changes to rough path) up the hill and along and around a slight left bend.
At the top you will have wonderful views to the right, of Hunda, Hoxa and Flotta.

The track continues to a right hand bend (with a seat on the corner) where you descend towards the road just by Mayfield.

Look out for the carved wooden owl and snow white with her dwarfs! Turn left at this junction and continue to the shore along a concrete path.
Make your way along the shore or the grass slope to your left until you reach a few stone steps up to the left by a cottage with a grass roof and a beehive kiln.
Pass the cottage and follow the well defined path curving to the right until you reach a road with a house over to your right. Turn left here and follow the road around a right hand bend, up the hill to a junction on your left. Turn left at this junction and follow the road down to the main road with the Sands of Wright before you.
Turn left, back towards St Margaret's Hope and follow this road to the toilets and rest place.
Following your well earned break, retrace your steps to the road and turn immediately right by the information board. This track takes you back via a very pleasant path, through a kissing gate which emerges near to the house you passed earlier (which will now be on your left).
Retrace your route back as far as the end of the pebbly beach, past Mayfield and follow the road past where you came from the concrete path and continue along this road until you come back to the farm Heatherum. Turn left here along the road which leads eventually down the hill to a T junction. Turn right here and follow the road back to the Cromarty Square.