



The Committee shall be known as Orkney Local Access Forum and Countryside Committee.


The objects for which the Orkney Local Access Forum and Countryside Committee (hereinafter referred to as "the Committee") is established are:

(a) To consider all matters relating to the provision, development and improvement of facilities for the enjoyment of the countryside, together with the conservation and enhancement of its natural beauty and amenity.

(b) To advise the Planning Committee of Orkney Islands Council on countryside policy generally.

(c) To act as a sounding board of local opinion and concern on countryside topics and to co-ordinate the interests of the various users and owners of the countryside.

(d) To advise on countryside development and conservation problems from the wide experience of its members and to encourage the education of the general public in the understanding and enjoyment of the countryside.

(e) To undertake surveys and investigations on special subjects with problems using the local membership of representative bodies to carry out the fieldwork and make reports.

(f) To do such things as may seem incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above purposes or any of them.

(g) To act as the Orkney Access Forum which will assist Orkney Islands Council with the implementation of the proposed new access legislation (Land Reform Draft Bill March 2001).


Membership of the Committee shall consist of two members (or their substitutes) of each of the Orkney branches of the following organisations

  1. Environmental Concern Orkney (ECO)
  2. Historic Scotland
  3. Hoy Trust
  4. National Farmers Union of Scotland (NFUS)
  5. Orkney Archaeology Society
  6. Orkney Agricultural Society
  7. Orkney Disability Forum
  8. Orkney District Association of Young Farmers
  9. Highlands and Islands Enterprise
  10. Orkney Field Club
  11. Orkney Heritage Society
  12. Orkney Islands Council – liaison officer - for Isles Community Councils
  13. Orkney Islands Council – one councillor
  14. Orkney Islands Council – planning
  15. Orkney Islands Council – outdoor education
  16. Orkney Natural History Society
  17. Orkney Ramblers Club
  18. Orkney Riding Groups
  19. Orkney Tourism Group
  20. Orkney Trout Fishing Association
  21. Rangers – Eday, Sanday, Scapa Flow, South Isles
  22. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
  23. Scottish Association for Country Sports
  24. Scottish Agricultural College
  25. Scottish Government Rural Payments and Inspection Directorate (SGRPID)
  26. Scottish Rights of Way
  27. Scottish Natural Heritage
  28. Scottish Rural Property and Business Association (SRPBA)
  29. Scottish Women’s Rural Institute (Orkney Federation SWRI)
  30. VisitOrkney
  31. Voluntary Action Orkney (VAO)
  32. WHS Co-ordinator and Ranger Service
  33. Scottish Kennel Club/Kennel Club
  34. and any other Orkney based organisations which are from time to time added to or deleted from the list on a motion carried at the Annual General Meeting.

Subsequent variations in the representations shall be determined by the Committee but should be limited to those organisations involved in matters concerning the countryside. Each individual organisation shall be responsible for the filling of vacancies in their representation. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt individuals whose expert knowledge would be beneficial to its deliberations.


The Committee shall cease to levy an annual subscription for membership of Orkney Local Access Forum and Countryside Committee. There will be no annual membership fee for member organisations.


1 There will be an Annual General Meeting of the Committee in the month of June. The Agenda of the meeting shall be as follows:

(a) Apologies for absence
(b) Approval of the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
(c) Approval of the Accounts
(d) Election of Office Bearers; Office Bearers shall consist of Chair and Vice Chair who are elected annually for a period of no more than two consecutive years
(e) Appointment of Secretary and Treasurer
(f) Any alterations to the Constitution
(g) Any Other Competent Business (AOCB)

2 There shall be a minimum of four meetings per year. The dates of the meetings shall be determined by the Committee but it shall be competent for the Chair to instruct the Secretary to convene a meeting at any time: meetings shall also be called on receipt of a signed requisition from six members.


1 Fifteen days specifying the day, place and hour of the Annual General Meeting shall be sent to every member of the Committee, but it shall be competent to convene other special meetings on seven days notice in writing.

2 Eight members shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the Committee other than a meeting convened to consider the question of amending the Constitution when a quorum shall be 50% of the voting members. No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Committee unless the appropriate quorum is present.

3 Ten clear days specifying the day, place and hour of the Committee Meetings shall be sent in writing to every member of the Committee, but it shall be competent to convene such meetings at shorter notice providing the Chair or any six members consider the matter to be of urgency.


1 Voting shall be restricted to one member of each organisation. Co-opted members shall not be entitled to vote.

2 In the case of equality of votes, the person acting as Chair shall be entitled to a casting vote in addition to a deliberate vote.

3 Notice of motions to be submitted to Committee Meetings must be submitted to the Secretary in time for inclusion in the Notice of Meeting.


This Constitution may be altered, or amended, by the Committee at an Annual General Meeting or special meeting provided:

(a) Notice in writing of proposed amendments has been circulated to members of the Committee with the Notice of such a meeting.

(b) No fewer than 50% of the voting members are present at the meeting and that 50% of those present, and voting, vote in favour of the amendment or amendments.

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