
Self-Directed Support (SDS)

Seld-directed support is about people being in control of the support they want and need in order to be able to live their life in the way best suited to them.

People are able to control their level of care or support in several different ways:

  1. Direct payment. A direct payment is money paid directly to you by the local authority so that you can arrange your own support.
  2. Individual service funds. An individual service fund is when you chose and direct your support, but the local authority or another organisation arranges it all and handles the financial side.
  3. Personal budget. A personal budget is when money is available to you, and the local authority will organise and arrange the support that they think is right for you.
  4. Combined approach. A combined approach may be appropriate where you have several needs, and want to handle them in different ways.

What can an advocate help you with?

An advocate can help you understand the self-directed support process, give you a sense of how you are likely to be assessed, and attend meetings with you. They can help you get your point of view and experiences across to the local authority, and ensure that you are able to fully participate in the process. They can ensure that your rights are being respected, and if you disagree with the assessment decision, we can help you challenge that decision.

Self-directed support is also available to those who provide care and support, as well as those who receive care and support.

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