


Programme for 2025

St Magnus Centre, Palace Road, Kirkwall

Time : 2.30pm

£2.00 entry towards hall hire and refreshments





Working title of talk


January 16th

Rosalind Johansson 

Textiles are my life


February 20th

Botany Group

Our photographic year


March 20th

Ellen Pesci

My Father, Jim Baikie


April 17th


Tim Wright


followed by Photography Quiz

May 15th

Louise Barrington

artist and tutor

The UHI Arts Degree Course


June 19th

David Mclaughlin

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission




Summer Break


August 21st

Kevin Moar

Work of the Drugs Dog

Drugs Dog may be in attendance for part of the meeting.


September 18th

Bruce Keith

Are we nearly there yet?

a talk on Scottish milestones 


October 16th

Richard Shearer

Old Kirkwall photographs


November 20th

Richard Clubley

Discusses his most recent book  -

"The Sea All Around" 



Christmas lunch

Members Only



For more information or to confirm particular meeting details please see our web page www.orkneycommunities.co.uk/u3a


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