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u3a Photography Group - Dounby meeting to review Grantown photos - 25 January, 2025
by Tim Wright - 07:28 on 26 January 2025
Fifteen of us met today in Dounby Computer Room to view the photos from our September trip to Grantown-on-Spey Each Photographer was asked to provide 5 photos for each day that we had been away. This led to over 240 pictures in all. What a splendid selection to remind us of the wonderful weather that we had while away. We were so lucky with sun almost the whole time and didn't the photos benefit? We had covered a good number of the attractions around Grantown, both in the forests on local walks (when we finally found them!) and alongside the Spey. Hills had been climbed and even a mountain tried but the lack of a chairlift scuppered a summit attempt. Castles had been visited and gardens admired. Badgers were pursued into darkness and Steam Engines had whistled by on our travels, all while we being well pampered at the Grant Arms. What an excellent choice of venue and no surprise that we are back again in September. Of the photographs, Spiders were the standout subject with some beautiful webs and great closeups. Second most inspiring subject was the packhorse bridge at Carrbridge. Third most popular was God's Garden at Ballindalloch Castle, although he wasn't seen there the day we were visiting. But there are so many new ideas for photography the next time we go as we will try and capture what others had seen this time and put a different angle upon the pictures. One can hardly wait until September to make a start! Thank you all for your contributions and company while we were away and yet again great thanks to Hilary for persuading us to go, and arranging it all.
We took the opportunity to look at the Ness Battery outing photos too. Lots of rust and concrete to be seen but didn't having some photos in B+W bring a sort of agelessness to the pictures? They could have been taken at the time that the buildings were actually occupied in anger. The Mural was rightly a star image with a variety of select pieces of it. The Sweet shop, Roses Cottage is my favourite but the kids on the swing, the Gypsy Caravans and the Inn also featured too. We were blessed with excellent weather that day too. Will we be so lucky in Feb?
"Reflections" was the project for the month and it produced a great response with 17 people contributing. There were the inevitable water reflections but mirror reflections and some impressive reflections of fire and a sunset in windows. There were a lot of very good images and some very clever ones too. Well done to everyone who took part .
We then had a break for coffee and cake. Thank you to Hilary for the lovely Date cake. I would have had more but my wife was watching!
Then it was a whizz around the Outer Hebrides, including St Kilda and the Shiants on a cruise that I had taken last August. Unlike the Grantown trip, the weather was variable but sunny at both the most important Island groups, thank goodness. It was birds all the way (of the feathered variety) with the Sea Eagles being harassed by a Bonxie as well as Gannets and tens of thousands of Puffins flying around. The trip out to St Kilda was lumpy to say the least and when I was asked by the Warden if I might come back, I replied only by Helicopter! It was literally a once in a lifetime visit. One of the highlights for me was the pod of Dolphins riding the bow wave of the boat. Such elegant animals making it look so easy and that life for them was just fun. I am going back again this year but only around the Inner Hebrides, no more Atlantic swell for me.
So concluded an excellent morning of Photography. It is nice to get together as a group to look at photos rather than individually for a change. Many thanks to Hilary for arranging the Room and cake and to David for collating the "Reflections" Project.
I have a Memory stick of the day’s photos for anyone who wants to look or missed the morning. I will send the Reflections and Ness Battery by email but the pfd of Grantown and St Kilda are too big to go .
The next Meeting will be Wednesday 19th Feb at Aikerness. We can walk along the path Eastwards, go down to the beach, park by the pier or go to the little Cemetery. The time will be decided according to the weather forecast.
The Project will be "Closeup", so get down low and see what you can produce. The closing date is Monday 15th Feb.
Keep clicking,
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