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u3a Walking Group One - October 2023

by Tim Wright - 09:27 on 28 October 2023

Twelve of us met at the Market Green in Dounby on a cool morning with a bit of Easterly breeze. We had no rain on our walk which was a reverse of the St Magnus route that usually ends at Canada (Farm).

We set off up along the Hillside road and then along to Beauoy on quiet roads above Sabiston Loch. Some of us were lucky to see the Cattle Egret that has taken up residence near there but it didn't settle for a good look. Down through the gorse on the path by the bee hives to the farm track again. The bees were not in evidence unlike Wednesday in the sun when they might have been out on the gorse flowers. Then we went through the farm and down to the road on a rather shorter 2.75 mile walk than intended. The Magnus Way goes up to the right at the last farm on a road but it soon goes into a very rough unused track full of tussocks and boggy areas. One of our party admitted she had done it in the past and had fallen over. However all made it back to the cars for the return to Dounby. Two decided to walk the whole way but the Dounby to Birsay road is straight and fast and not advisable in my opinion for a group of 12.

The next walk will be Thursday 30th November with the place and time to be decided 2 days before as usual. I will send out a reminder a week before.

Keep moving, Tim.

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