Hello and welcome,
On this page you will find photographs of our beautiful island of Stronsay. Just open the main document folder (just click on it) and choose the sub folder marked "pictures".
In the sub- folder marked "Dedication and opening service" is a photo copy of the orginal order of service used for the dedication of Moncur Memorial Church after the building was completed in 1955. The order of service was donated by Jim Cooper.
Got any questions? Please feel free to leave a comment or question in our guestbook and we will answer you within a few days, maybe sooner!
God's Blessings.
We hope you enjoy our web-site.
- 6 filesDocuments
- 1709kbdedication and opening service.pdf
- 115kbhandout_david-lockes_induction-1.pdf
- 1668kbparish-profile-08-2020.pdf
- 1073kbpresbyterywmnewsmarch2022.pdf
- 3569kbpresbyterywmnewssept2020.pdf
- 147kbstronsaymoncurmemorialbasisofreviewablecharge.pdf
- 22 filespictures
- 845kbdesert.jpg
- 1224kbfarmland.jpg
- 781kbfishing pier.jpg
- 94kbkirkplanned.jpg
- 1262kbmill bay.jpg
- 374kbmoncur1.jpg
- 44kbp1040746 (2).jpg
- 1243kbpirates of stronsay!!sdc10056.jpg
- 414kbrothiesholm head 012.jpg
- 1237kbseagull.jpg
- 660kbsnow 017.jpg
- 35kbstormyweather.jpg
- 554kbstronsay 4.jpg
- 645kbstronsay 7.jpg
- 727kbsunset 001.jpg
- 535kbsunset 009.jpg
- 399kbsunset 014.jpg
- 25kbwhitehall village in flood.jpg
- 1266kbwild flowers.jpg
- 1653kbwindow1.jpg
- 580kbwinter08020.jpg
- 1268kbyellow flowers.jpg
- 1 filestronsay scenery photos
- 0 filesprofile