24 August 2024
Sammy's Magic Garden Launch Sun 25 Aug, 2.30pm, Old Herring Factory
We can't wait to tell you more about this year's winter show, Sammy's Magic Garden, but you'll need to come to our launch event this Sunday, 25 August at 2.30pm in the Old Herring Factory to find out all about it!
Lots of youth roles plus four key adult cast members needed, and if you'd be interested in helping with make-up, costumes, props, set or technical aspects we'd also be delighted to see you.
The production team are hopeful that we'll be able to cast fairly swiftly after Sunday's launch session so that rehearsals can begin by early September ahead of the performances that will take place on Thursday 5th, Friday 6th and Saturday 7th December (matinee and evening performances on the Saturday).
Come join in the fun - see you on Sunday!