
25 July 2024Actors wanted for short plays

We still have plenty of space for willing actors to take part in our evening of short plays later this year so come sign up and enjoy reading and acting in new writing!

The performance will be on the evening of Friday 1 November in Stromness Town Hall, and rehearsals can fit with your availability in September and/or October. As these are staged readings, committing lines to memory isn't essential and rehearsals won't be too onerous or numerous.

For acting, complete the form via this link https://forms.office.com/e/deH78b4HcV

For more info including details about the plays, contact [email protected]

Deadline to sign up is Sunday 4 August

22 July 2024Show time for our Comedy Revue, Tue 23 July at 8.30pm!

The show is almost upon us!

Join us tomorrow night, Tue 23 July for our annual Comedy Revue, poking fun at local events and goings-on. Entry is £5 cash at the door and we'll have a grand raffle on offer too.

Stromness Town Hall, 8.30pm start (doors open at 8pm)

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