Well, what a year the club had in 2019, eh? Success with "A Handbag" and "Shakers" taking up the first 6 months of the year, followed by another fun and fast-paced Shopping Week Revue, and finished off with a fantastic pantomime, "Smut's Saga", that saw Kathy Hunter and Rhiannon Reilly taking on directing their first big winter production - an excellent achievement and outcome!
Our next event is our Annual General Meeting, coming up on Saturday 25 January, and we'd be delighted to see a few additional faces attending, either to hear the report on our activities or perhaps to join the committee. We have a vacancy for a secretary and although we have hope of one coming forth, if you would be interested in finding out more about the role please email [email protected] and Barbara will be happy to give you details.
06 January 2020
2019 - What a Year!