
Orkney Zerowaste Small Grants Scheme

Please note that the current round of Orkney Zerowaste's Small Grants Scheme is exhausted. A new grant window will open in 2025. 

Are you interested in Reusing, Repurposing  & Recycling Orkney's waste? 

boot plant pots

If YES did you know you can apply for a £200 grant? Grants will be available to projects associated with:

  • Waste Repurposing and Reuse
  • Waste Reduction
  • Waste Recycling
  • Travel within Orkney associated with the aims of the grant scheme
  • Training within the aims of the grant

The scheme has two grant periods each year. It is open to:

  • Individuals from age 5 (supported by parent/guardian if under 18 years old) 
  • Community Organisations 
  • Schools
  • Church Groups 
  • Charitable Groups 

For further information, download:

You can also contact OZW Administrator Nicky Getgood via email at [email protected] or telephone 07406 722261.

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