
14 January 2025Darts restart in second half of the season

180s were scored by: Jamie Marwick, Jim Brown, Erlend Lennie, Bruce Moar, Kevin Peace, Graham Firth, Robbie Stanger, Ian Linklater, Billy Ward, Kevin Gray, Stevie Garner, Erland Ritch, Jamie Drever, James Flett, Keith Bain and Des Gillespie. Other noteable scores of 171 and 174 came from Brett Dickinson and Kevin Gray respectively.

High Checkouts: Jamie Marwick 100, Des Gillespie 100, Robbie Stanger 101, Kevin Gray 101, George Low 110, Stevie Linklater 117, Ian Linklater 120, Leigh Shearer 120 and Derrick Firth 122.

Short Legs: Stevie Linklater/Bruce Moar 15, Billy Ward/Robbie Stanger 15, Ryan Tulloch/Toby Penwarden 15, George Low 15, Stevie Linklater 15, Kevin Gray 15, Ian Linklater 15, Billy Ward 15, Jamie Drever 15 and Iain Wilkie 15.


'A' League:

Ale Stars 6, Tankerness 6

OGC 6, Sanday 6

Muppets 0, Legion 12

Untouchables 6, Exiles 6

'B' League:

Sands 10, Vikings 2

Wanderers 11, Shandy Bass 2

Murray Arms 3, Quoyburray 9

Young Loons 2, Bilco Boys 10

Quoyburray B 11, EMYFC 1


'A' League:

Ale Stars v Muppets

OGC v Legion

Untouchables v Sanday

Exiles v Tankerness


'B' League:

Wanderers v The Toonies

Murray Arms v Vikings

Young Loons v Shandy Bass

Quoyburray B v Quoyburray

EMYFC v Bilco Boys

Rough 'n' Rowdy v Sands

Friday January 17, League Doubles, Legion, 7.30pm

Friday January 24, E.R & T Craigie Cup (Ranking), Tankerness Hall, 7.30pm

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