
25 August 2024New season about to get underway

It only seems a few short weeks ago since the Orkney Darts scene closed for the summer but, after 4 months off, the local darters will once more toe the oche, starting on September 2. 

As usual, September is the month where all the team cups are played, a great way to hone the skills before the leagues get underway on the 7th October. 
Both the 'A' and 'B' leagues are once again kindly sponsored by Williamsons Butchers, with 8 teams vying to break Sanday's grasp on the 'A' trophy whilst the recovery from Covid-19 continues with several new teams added to the 'B' roster to take it to 12 participating teams.  In order to equalise the leagues at the end of the season, leaving room for more expansion in the 'B' league if required, there will be 3 promotion slots, but only one team facing relegation. 
All league and Cup fixtures are now on the Orkney Darts Facebook page. 
Mon September 2nd, Allied Hotels Cup (A), Legion, names by 7.30pm
Tue September 3rd, St. Ola Cup (B), Masonic, 7.30
Mon September 9th, Spiers Cup (A & B), Legion, 7.30
Fri September 13th, Jimmy Miller Memorial Open Singles, Legion, 7.30

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