
31 March 2024Sanday and Tankerness are league winners

A league winners Sanday, P Foubister, S Moar,  M Muir, B Moar, T Shearer.

B league winners Tankerness, below, E Lennie, J Brown, R Norquoy, G low, G Miller,  E Eunson missing C Kirkpatrick and A Flett. 

The last week of the incredibly tight finish to both the A and B league season provided more twists than a roller coaster. 

In the A league the main excitement was in the Masonic with all 3 main contenders playing in the hall,

Sanday were up against the Untouchables and had to win to have any chance,  while The Legion were playing Exiles on the boards at the same time and again the Legion had to win to regain the title. 

It was advantage Sanday after the first half was completed going 4v2 up whilst the legion were loosing by the same score ,

The second half got underway and Sanday stamped their authority over the Untouchables winning the first 2 dbls matches whilst sharing the 4 singles to win 8v4 and end the Untouchables hopes, Meanwhile over in the other match the Legion new that only a stunning comeback could deny Sanday the title and when they won the first 3 games of the second half the Sanday boys were visibly turning white , but a nervy win for Stevie Garner sealed the deal and the Exiles completed the  season by winning the last 2 singles for a 7v5 victory. 

And so Sanday were crowned 2024 A league champions for their first ever title,  well done lads whilst those results allowed The Golf club who's victory over the Bilco Boys allowed them to overtake both the legion and the Untouchables for second spot and also relegated the later back to the B league. 

The final remaining rearranged match between the Muppets and the Bilco Boys will decide the other relegation place with the Muppets needing a victory to leapfrog the Murray Arms and stay up .

Meanwhile the previous Tuesday evening saw the completion of the Equally exciting B league,  the main focus was on the Golf club where Tankerness entertained The Toonies in a winner takes all showdown whilst it was possible that the looser of the match would fail to even gain promotion. 

The game was all square at half time 3v3 but Tankerness won both the doubles to move within touching distance of a first ever league win, and despite their best efforts the Toonies couldn't recover and Tankerness duly sealed the deal with a convincing 8v4 victory. 

It was a tough night for the young West lads as the Ale Stars pipped them on game difference to gain the second promotion place after a 9v3 win against Shandy Bass  The Sands won 7v5 against the Quoyburry , the Wooden Spoons drew 6 all against the Vikings whilst The Murray Arms 7v5 win against the Young loons condemned The Vikings to the wooden spoon.

So another excellent league season has almost drawn to a close and we look forward to the last ranking tournament The League Singles this Friday in the Masonic and thereafter the East v West matches and various mixed dbls and charity dbls,  

And then on Friday the 19th of April the big one in the Legion will see our Inter league team look to regain the the Trophy from Shetland in what is bound to be another high intensity evening of superb entertainment. 

Fixtures Fri 16th league singles in the Masonic names for 7.30 pm.


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