
15 January 2024Linklater wins Legion Singles

Last Friday saw the Legion singles played with an excellent turnout of 19 players taking part .

By the final stage it was two of Kirkwalls on form players players Stevie Linklater and Bruce Moar both from the OGC team after a tight tussle it was Stevie who came out on top by 3v2.

Fixtures for this coming week include the legion dbls this Friday the 12th and the first of the second half ranking competitions , the ERandT Craigie singles in the St Andrews Community Centre on Friday the 19th ,

Fixtures for Mon 15th include a belter between the Legion and Untouchables, and other fixtures are Exiles v OGC , Bilco Boys v Muppets,  Murray Arms v Sanday .

Tues16th B league, 

Vikings v The Toonies,  Wooden Spoons v Quoyburry,  Tankerness v M Arms 2 , Sands v Ale Stars , Young Loons v Shandy Bass.

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