
09 November 2023Bruce Moar wins Pit Stop Cup

Robbie Norquoy, Bruce Moar and Brian Moar.

Attention swtiched to the Orkney Golf Club last Friday evening as it played host to the second of this season's ranking points competitions, the Pit Stop Cup.

Historically one of the worst attended of the ranking events, this year bucked the trend, and a healthy entry of 34 players all stepped forward to try and lift the trophy, and perhaps more importantly gain 12 valuable points towards qualification for the team to face Shetland in April.

The standard on the night was high, one quick glance at the stats sheet at the end would pay testament to that. The draw threw up some finely balanced ties but by the time the final came around, it was to be an all Moar event, with Bruce squaring up to Brian.

Both had very different routes to the final with Bruce dispatching many of the dangerous up-and-coming players, including Gary Wilson, Erlend Lennie and Erland Ritch, whilst Brian put paid to the more experienced trio of Ian Linklater, Steven Linklater and Kevin Gray.

Recent meetings of the Moars have been close affairs with the spoils evenly shared, but Brian struggled to find his scoring form early doors and Bruce dominated, winning the first three legs with some exceptionally high scoring combined with lethal finishing. Brian then started to play like he had been earlier in the evening and clawed back a couple of legs, but he was virtually helpless to prevent Bruce powering across the finish line to win his first ranking title since the very first event way back in 2007. On current form, it is unlikely Bruce will have to wait another 16 years to win his third title.

180s were scored by: Brian Moar, Brett Dickinson, Erlend Lennie, Josh Alexander, Ryan Tulloch, Ally Linklater, Andy Green, Jamie Drever, Stevie Moar, Wayne Monkman, Stuart Thomson, Gordy Rendall, Robbie Norquoy, Jamie Marwick, Alan Findlay, Gary Wilson (two), Bruce Moar (two), Brian Stevenson (two), Stevie Linklater (two), Davy Henderson (two), Erland Ritch (three) and Kevin Gray (three). John Garson had a score of 171.

High Finishes came from:

Martin Peace 100, John Thomson 100, Kevin Gray 116, Jack Kirkpatrick 117, Jamie Marwick 120, Ian Linklater 130, Gary Wilson (100, 160) Jamie Drever (107, 154), Paul Foubister (117, 160) and Brian Moar (120, 131)

Short Legs (15 darts or less):

Gary Wilson 15, Wayne Monkman 15, Bruce Moar 15, Brian Moar 15, Stevie Linklater 14, Kevin Gray 13, Brian Moar/Paul Foubister 13 and Erland Ritch 12.


Pit Stop Cup: Bruce Moar 5, Brian Moar 3

'A' League:

Sanday 9, Exiles 3

Muppets 4, Legion 8

Untouchables 4, OGC 8

Murray Arms 4, Bilco Boys 8

'B' League:

Vikings 2, Quoyburray 10

Wooden Spoons 7, MA2 5

Tankerness 2, Ale Stars 10

Sands 10, Young Loons 2

The Toonies 10, Shandy Bass 2


'A' League:

OGC v Exiles

Untouchables v Legion

Muppets v Bilco Boys

Sanday v Murray Arms

'B' league:

Vikings v Ale Stars

Wooden Spoons v Young Loons

Sands v Tankerness

The Toonies v MA2

Quoyburray v Shandy Bass

Friday November 18, Jim Scollie Masters (Ranking), Legion, 7.30pm

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