

  • To help local people overcome some of the effects of poverty on their lives by providing a source of quality furniture and household goods at low cost.

  • To enable homeless people or those threatened with homelessness to take up tenancies they otherwise could not, as furnishings and floor coverings are conditions of tenancy.

  • To work in partnership with other agencies and organisations with similar aims and objectives.


  • To collect, restore, recycle and redistribute pre-used furniture and household goods donated by members of the public.

  • To assist the local authority in meeting the targets set out in the local area waste plan by preventing/reducing landfill and exported waste.

  • To encourage and facilitate recycling activities throughout the local community.


  • To provide a range of sustainable supported employment, training and volunteering opportunities which promote social inclusion for those furthest from the labour market.

  • To work collaboratively with other agencies and organisations with a similar remit.

  • To work closely with individuals and employers to challenge and ultimately overcome the barriers people face to mainstream employment.


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