Anxious? Stressed? Depressed? Angry?
Feeling Helpless? Having a Life Crisis?
It’s Good to Talk!
Most of us will at some point in our lives face some difficulty or other that we can’t work through alone, when we need someone to talk to who is separate from our usual circle of friends, family or support; someone who is skilled and professionally trained, and who can be trusted.
Counselling, often referred to as the ‘Talking Therapy’, offers a therapeutic relationship within which there are opportunities to understand more about ourselves, our feelings, our behaviour, and explore options for any changes we may wish to make.
Counselling can be hard work and challenging. With the help of a caring professional, it can be empowering and enabling, and lead to healthier relationships, an improved sense of wellbeing and a better quality of life. Clients who have used the Vital Talk service have said “My counsellor was excellent at understanding and helping me see my issues for myself.” Clients also said they felt valued, “Being taken seriously and been made to feel worthwhile”; “That I could be open and honest without being judged in any way and get things out in the open that I have bottled up for years”.
For more information or to arrange an appointment,
E mail: [email protected] or
Tel: 07510927444
Vital Talk Orkney Counselling Service
The Life Centre
East Road
KW15 1LX
Registered Charity SCO42360