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u3a Photo Group One - April 2023

by Tim - 20:21 on 19 April 2023


Twelve of us met at Eastside today on a perfect day for taking photos. The sun was shining and there was little wind. We dispensed with coats and made our way up to St Peter's Church kindly opened up for us by Alan Lamont. There are a couple of interesting graves on the way up .The first is the Widow of Ian Donald. He was a pioneer of Medical ultrasound, particularly Obstetric ultrasound, something I carried out at the Balfour for 19 years among other things! Further up is the sad grave in the shape of the stern of a ship of two Finnish Sailors shipwrecked in 1937.

The Church had been there since at least 1642 but was re-roofed and refurbished in 1801. There is central Communion Rail running along one of the aisles and then some Box pews up towards the Pulpit. The two balconies are inaccessible. It is quite plain inside but bright sun through the windows made for some colourful reflections.

Once outside again more graves were perused and then we left and went down to the shore. Turning left before the beach leads to a ruined house and a garden that was cultivated until recently. Now only the Artichokes are thriving. Further are boat nousts, rusty old fashioned winches and a curious stone structure which maybe the base of an ancient Windmill. A couple of hundred yards more and one comes to the Millennium Stone Sculpture made, I am informed, by Willy Budge. It has all sorts of wonderful designs on it from a Viking Boat, a Dragon's Head, a Cross, a baby's head and hands that look like they are gripping the top of the stone. So really lots for all the photographers to focus on and the weather to do it. Some others then set off along the beach looking for birds and what ever else they could find.

The group then divided with 4 staying at the beach and having a picnic while 8 had lunch a Celina Rupp's in the Old Commodore in Holm and jolly good it was too. So ended a perfect Photography Trip.

Photos for the compilation should be sent to me by Monday 8th May. We have been asked to pass them on to the Friends of St Peter's Church for them to look at too which I will do.

The next trip is going to be to Hoy on Wednesday 10th May. I haven't looked into ferries etc yet but would you email me if you are interested in going and if you are prepared to take your car. More details to follow.

"New Life " is the project this month with Bryan hoping his newest grandchild arrives in time for inclusion.

Keep Clicking, especially in this fine weather.There are sleet showers forecast next week as the temperature takes a plunge again. Par for the Orcadian course I would say.


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