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u3a Walking Group 1 - April 2023

by Tim - 19:25 on 07 April 2023


Seven of us met at Marwick Bay today on a beautiful Spring morning, sun, little wind and no rain. After going along the rather stoney shore path we set off up the hill to Marwick Head. The views were spectacular in every direction from the Old Man to the Brough of Birsay.

The cliffs were rather empty apart from the Kittiewakes at the bottom of the cliff but quite a few Guillemots were out at sea feeding. Then down the long easy path to Birsay Bay where there was a good swell coming into the beach, adding to the picturesque view across to the Brough.

Pies and homemade sausage rolls were the order of the day from the Palace Stores, enjoyed in full sun at the Palace itself but not quite shirtsleeves weather. Then a trip back for the drivers to Marwick where the Surfers were catching the waves (mostly). A day that makes one realize why we all love living in Orkney.

The next walk will be Thursday 4th May. A reminder will be sent a week before. Lets hope we can get up into the hills.

Keep moving, Tim.

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