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U3A Walking Group - 30 September 2021

by Tim Wright - 13:52 on 01 October 2021


A forecast of Heavy rain and strong winds was enough to deplete the Group but 6 members turned up at the Brough of Birsay on time to walk to the Geo and back.

The wind was a factor going around the cliffs but with perseverance we made it to the Whale bone Cross and beyond. We were able to see the area where the cliff had collapsed beyond the Geo and there is still a piece looks like it is waiting to go yet.  Back down the road we were pushed forward by the breeze. Arriving back at the cars we were dry as the forecast rain never turned up. Some of us then went to the shop at the Palace for Bacon Rolls for lunch.

The trip home was via Marwick Bay to look for birds .A Pale Fronted Brent Goose plus 60 Pink Feet were there and four Pintails were spotted on the Loons. All in all a good day for both Walkers and Bird Watchers and shows that Orkney weather is a law unto itself.

The next walk will be Friday October 29th. Details nearer the time.

Keep moving, Tim.


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