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U3A Walking Group

by Tim Wright - 17:34 on 04 May 2018

Thirteen intrepid souls set off in drizzle from Yesnaby to walk to 
Skaill. The going was slippery but improved after half an hour when the 
rain stopped. A stop for a break at the cairn above Skaill Bay gave us 
good views, by then, south to the Old Man and north to the Kitchener 
Memorial. We walked along the beach below Skara Brae looking up at the 
hordes lined up at the ancient houses. Narrowingly avoiding getting our 
feet wet, we arrived the car park ready for lunch at the Brewery. An excellent 
start to the Group activities. The next meeting is planned to be at the 
Gloup Car park to walk the Mull Head walk on 31st May at 10 am. More 
instructions nearer the time.

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