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Chairman's Blog

by Peter - 22:04 on 22 November 2017

The U3A Committee met at Vagaland, Stromness, on Tuesday 21 st November.

The main topic for discussion, introduced by Hilary and Beryl, was the plan for our 10th Birthday Celebration to be held in the King Street Halls on Thursday 19 th April 2018. This would start with a free buffet lunch to which all members would be invited, and the afternoon would end with a birthday cake and glass of bubbly. From 2-3pm groups would show off what they did and each group had been asked to come up with ideas on how they might do this, be it a talk, a poster or a display of some sort. Various ideas were discussed, but it was agreed that just what was involved might depend on limitations of space. To assess the possibilities the committee would meet again on 5th December at the Halls themselves.

Ideas for future general meetings were also discussed, and members were asked to give thought to finding candidates to replace Sally and Fiona, who are standing down as Treasurer and Secretary at the AGM in March. Nominations, with proposer and seconder, are required by 15 th February. Thanks to a recent increase, membership is now standing at nearly 100, and the finances are in good shape.

Around 40 people had booked for the Christmas lunch, and members were reminded that menu choices were needed before the end of the month.

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