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CHAIRMAN'S BLOG - September 2017
by Peter Slater - 12:24 on 15 September 2017
A committee meeting was held at Vagaland, Stromness, in 12th September 2017. Kate Barrett having moved away, there was a need to find a publicity officer to write accounts of our meetings for the Orcadian. Trevor Kaye had done this for the last two meetings, and agreed to join a team that would take it in turns to do it, depending on who was present at meetings. Liz Lea would cover Martin Gray’s talk this month and canvas for others to join the team. Ideas for speakers at general meetings were discussed, with the hope that members might put forward suggestions. There was no urgency, however, as the programme was full until next April. The meeting in April would be devoted to a celebration of the Orkney U3A’s 10th birthday. This would take place in the King Street Halls on the afternoon of Thursday 19th. A plan put forward by Hilary Morrell and Beryl Matthews was agreed by the rest of the committee: it would start with a finger buffet, followed by presentations of various sorts by the current groups and finish with a celebratory cake. The hall had been booked, but all other arrangements would need to be made, with group leaders asked to think about the form their presentation might take. The next committee meeting was agreed for 21st November, at which point progress could be reviewed.
Peter Slater
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