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by Peter & Beryl - 18:51 on 14 July 2017

U3A Botany Group visit to Aikerness on Tuesday, 11th July

Six folk met on an afternoon that sparkled. The colours of land and sea were vibrant, the breeze was

gentle and the sun shone. What more could a person want for an afternoon of looking at the

magical variety of plants to be found within the small area of aeolanite?

The initial challenge of the afternoon had been to climb the style to access the site. Who is

responsible for its maintenance? The answer to that question would seem to be nobody.

A Species list of the plants that had been seen at the aeolanite site in the last 15 years had been

given to the Group with a challenge to see if we could see some more. Sadly we did not succeed

but had a splendid afternoon in the attempt.

Plants seen at Aikerness, 11 th July 2017

Daisy, Field buttercup, Yellow rattle, Red clover, White clover, Thyme, Birdsfoot trefoil, Butterbur,

Hogweed, Lady’s bedstraw, Eyebright, Red Campion, Northern marsh orchid, Primrose, Cowslip,

Selfheal, Autumn gentian, the leaves of Common Dog- Violet and Hearts-ease Pansy, Common

chickweed, Mouse-ear chickweed, Sea plantain, Glaucous sedge, Mouse-ear hawkweed, Sorrel, Fairy

flax, Yarrow, Angelica, Ribwort plantain, Unscented mayweed, Sow thistle, Dock sp. Ragwort sp.

Peter & Beryl

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