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Chairman's Blog

by Peter Slater - 10:14 on 06 April 2017


A committee meeting was held at Vagaland, Stromness, on 4th April. Fiona Knox agreed to continue doing the publicity in advance of general meetings, and Kate Barrett to do the write-ups after them for the Orcadian. Several ideas were floated for possible speakers at general meetings, and those to be approached about speaking during next winter were identified. As far as the 10th anniversary of the Orkney U3A was concerned, two ideas were considered. One was to produce a calendar or booklet of photographs illustrating the activities of the various groups, and it was agreed to cost this. The other was to hold an event, probably in King Street Halls on Thursday 19th April 2018, at which each group would have a display showing what they got up to, accompanied by a bit of a party. This possibility was agreed to, provided the necessary arrangements can be made.

Peter Slater

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