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Music Appreciation Group
by Angela - 17:28 on 09 January 2017
Music group
Met as usual on the 1st Monday of the month-so the 9th January-
Our theme ,chosen as always by one of the group-was,"Plucked Strings"-it proved to be a very interesting and varied selection,in fact ,so good a session resulted in our continuing the same theme next time in February-
We are so fortunate in that several members have differing expertise and share their knowledge -and that is what the U3A is all about!
I have very little knowledge and gain a lot from the meetings-
So ,this time I learnt about-
Mateo Antonio Perez Albeniz,Turlough O Carolan,Catherine Michel( Harpist).Joaquin Rodrigo,a lutenist friend of Bach-Christan Weyrauch,Steven Stubbs ,Maxine Eilander,Nigel North,Maire ni Chatharaigh and Chris Newman.
Some of the music we listened to was by---
Bach,Vivaldi,Monteverdi,Peter Maxwell Davies,Martin Carthy,John Williams,Benjamin Britten,Dowland,and Bolivian Baroque.
Also a pipe march.
A lively disussion and delicious home bakes ended the session.
Our next get together will be 6th February-at the Alsop residence-when our theme is continuing "Plucked Strings"
Come and join us-
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