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Scrabble Group
by Angela - 19:35 on 15 May 2016
The U3A scrabble group continues to meet each Friday at 10 a.m.-though not all members attend weekly-
Still ,we average three games being played at the same time-
Below I have included some words new ( to some of us)
stilet-wire to stiffen a flexible canula
samel-brick not sufficentky fired
mammee-tropical tree
keb-to miscarry ot reject a lamb
airt-point of a compass
ick-expression of disgust
chon-Korean monetary unit
vimen-long flexible shoot that forms in some plants
doona-large quilt
kittel-white garment in Jewish rituals
yod-Hebrew letter
blay-small brown fish
roate-archaic form of rote
and so on!
The group now has a dozen members-
And we vary in ability-
Usually we play 2-3 games-with an interval of coffee and fruit
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