Members, please make submissions to [email protected]
by John Graham - 10:37 on 31 July 2013
'Photogrouptwo' continues its hesitant way, but yesterday's meeting in the sunshine around the cathedral turned out well with another new face appearing, afterwards a couple of us retired to a nearby coffee stop: our front lounge, as it was so close. We have decided that the next meeting of this group will be aimed at Lyness, Hoy on Tuesday 20th. August. We will meet at Houton ferry (Richard Gibson please note, I told you Hatston, not Houton terminal). We will meet at 0945 for the 1000 ferry. A packed lunch could be taken or the cafe at the museum would save carrying butties. return ferries are at 12.30, 1400 or 16.40, probably the heavier the rain the ealier the ferry we catch. There will be two other regular photograpers with us for this meeting.
I will send out a reminder a couple of days before the meeting.
best regards, John Graham
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