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Chairmans Blog 10
by Unknown - 17:31 on 05 February 2013
This is a brief update from the Committee meeting on 28 January where we went through some matters of interest and some domestic matters relating to the constitution.
I’ll dispose of the constitution first – we need to get an up to date framework to run by and at the meeting a draft was approved which will be going out to all members in the next few days by e mail to those who are on line and by post to everyone else. The aim is that you have time to read it and to put any questions you might have to me or anyone else on the committee before we seek approval at the AGM on 21st March.
We have pretty well finalised next year’s programme of meetings – one member has suggested we might have a session on keeping fit and well from Gordon at Picky. You’ll all know my racing snake physique (acknowledgements to Terry Wogan for that) but if there is interest, I will approach him to set up a session; the alternative, or indeed supplement, might be that those wishing to keep fit could form a group and if anyone might wish to lead it can you please come forward. Otherwise we have put together a quite varied set of meetings which I hope will both entertain and maybe instruct.
On a business front, we have to think of nominations for the officers and members for next year. Pam has intimated that she wishes to step aside as Secretary so we will have a vacancy that needs filled – if anyone might be interested you could usefully have a word with Pam who can let you know what the position entails.
Sandra Higgins has offered to run a group/class in straw craft. It will run weekly and will cost the members’ contribution to the hire of the room. I will raise the prospect at the next meeting on the 21st of February when Tim and his happy snappers will be showing their work from the past year and he has also put together a quiz to test your knowledge of the county. I hope to see you then.
4 February 2013.
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