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Chairman's Blog
by Unknown - 11:50 on 01 September 2012
1 September 2012
This is short one. We’re half way through the year and inevitably my thoughts are turning towards what we are going to do next year for our general meetings. I have a few ideas, many of them daft doubtless, but I am hoping that you can give me some of your own thoughts in reply to the blog as to what you might wish to see, hear and indeed do.
For example we could have a summer picnic somewhere, carefully equipped with water and wind proof clothes – not to mention midge protection. I’d quite like to see more members feeling able to talk to us about their own knowledge or expertise or experiences. How about an autumn meeting on what we did on our holidays – if, maybe, we went somewhere special or interesting and perhaps have some photos to show off?
The thing I’d wish to mention is whether anyone might wish to join the Committee. This year we have met probably every two months or so for an afternoon and some new faces and especially new ideas would be very welcome. If you might be interested, catch me at a future meeting or give me a call. There’s no reason why you couldn’t come along for a taster to see and hear what goes on.
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