Martin's service 04/02/24
documents/orphir church messages/2024/service-orphir040224epiph5b.doc
Martin's service 28/01/24
documents/orphir church messages/2024/transcrservorphirstenn280124epiph4b.pdf
Martin's service 24/12/23
documents/orphir church messages/2023/december/transcrorphir241223advent4blessons-and-carols.pdf
documents/orphir church messages/2023/december/transcrwatchnightorphir241223.pdf
Martin's service 10/12/23
documents/orphir church messages/2023/december/transcrservorphir101223advent-2b.pdf
Martin's service 19/11/23
documents/orphir church messages/2023/november/transcrservorphir191123prop28a.pdf
Martin's service 12/11/23
documents/orphir church messages/2023/november/transcrremembrdayservorphir121123.pdf
Martin's service 29/10/23
documents/orphir church messages/2023/october/transcrservorphir291023prop25a.pdf
Martin's service 15/10/23
documents/orphir church messages/2023/october/transcrcommservorphir151023prop23a.pdf
Martin's service 24/09/23
documents/orphir church messages/2023/september/transcrservorphir240923prop20a.pdf
Martin's service 10/09/2023
documents/orphir church messages/2023/september/transcrserviceorphir100923prop18a.pdf
Martin's service 27/08/23
documents/orphir church messages/2023/august/transcrservorphir270823prop16a.pdf
Martin's service 06/08/23
documents/orphir church messages/2023/august/transcrservorphir060823prop13a.pdf
Martin's service 23/07/23
documents/orphir church messages/2023/july/transcrservorphir230723prop11a.pdf
Martin's service 09/07/23
documents/orphir church messages/2023/july/transcrservorphir090723prop9a.pdf
Martin's service 04/06/23
documents/orphir church messages/2023/june/transcrservorphir250623prop7a.pdf
Martin's service 04/06/23
documents/orphir church messages/2023/june/transcrservorphir040623trinitya.pdf
Martin's service 28/05/23
documents/orphir church messages/2023/may/transcrserviorphir280523pentecosta.pdf
Martin's service 21/05/23
documents/orphir church messages/2023/may/transcrservorphir210523easter7a.pdf
Martin's service 23/04/2023
documents/orphir church messages/2023/april/transcrservorphir230423easter3a.pdf
Andy's service 16/04/2023
documents/orphir church messages/2023/april/sunday-16th-april-2023.docx
Martin's services 09/04/23
Martin's service 26/03/2023
documents/orphir church messages/2023/march/transcriptservorphir260323lent5a.pdf
Martin's service 12/03/2023
documents/orphir church messages/2023/march/transcrhcorphir120323lent3a.pdf
Martin's service
documents/orphir church messages/2023/february/transcrservorphir190223transfiga.pdf
Andy's service 12/02/2023
documents/orphir church messages/2023/12th-february-transfiguration.docx
Martin's service 05/02/2023
documents/orphir church messages/2023/transcrservorphir050223epiph5a.pdf
Martin's service 22/01/2023
documents/orphir church messages/2023/transcrservorphir220123epiph3a.pdf
Martin's service 08/01/2023
documents/orphir church messages/2023/transcrservorphir080123baptoflorda.pdf
Lynn's service 01/01/2023
documents/orphir church messages/2023/lynne-1st-jan-23.pdf
Martin's services 24 & 25 December 2022
documents/orphir church messages/2022/transcriptwatchnightorphir241222.pdf
documents/orphir church messages/2022/transcriptchristmasdayorphir2022.pdf
Martin's service 11/12/2022
documents/orphir church messages/2022/transcriptserviceorphir111222advent3a.pdf
Andy's service 20/11/2022
documents/orphir church messages/2022/orphir-christ-the-king.docx
Martin's service 13/11/2022
Martin's service 30/10/2022
documents/orphir church messages/2022/transcriptserviceorphir301022harvest.pdf
Andy's service 09/09/2022
documents/orphir church messages/2022/october-09-orkney-vers-andy.docx
Martin's service 25/09/2022
documents/orphir church messages/2022/transcrservorphir250922prop21c.pdf
Martin's service 18/09/2022
documents/orphir church messages/2022/transcr2ndsun-following-death-of-queen.pdf
Martin's service 28/08/2022
documents/orphir church messages/2022/transcriptserviceorphir280822.pdf
Andy's service 14/08/2022
documents/orphir church messages/2022/orphir-14th-aug.docx
Andy's service 17/07/2022
documents/orphir church messages/2022/orphir-17th-july-2022.docx
Martin's service 10/07/2022
documents/orphir church messages/2022/transcrservorphir100722prop10c.pdf
Martin's service 26/06/2022
documents/orphir church messages/2022/transcriptserviceorphir260622prop8c.pdf
Martin's service 12/06/2022
documents/orphir church messages/2022/transcriptserviceorphir120622trinityc.pdf
Martin's service 15/05;2022
documents/orphir church messages/2022/transcriptservorphir150522easter5c.pdf
Martin's service 01/05/2022
documents/orphir church messages/2022/transcrservorphirstenness010522easter3c.pdf
Martin's Easter services
documents/orphir church messages/2022/transcripteasterserviceroundkirk2022.pdf
documents/orphir church messages/2022/transcripteasterserviceorphir170422.pdf
Martin's service 03/04/22
documents/orphir church messages/2022/transcriptserviceorphir030422lent-5c.pdf
Martin's service 06/03/22
documents/orphir church messages/2022/transcriptserviceorphir060322lent1.pdf
Martin's service 20/02/22
documents/orphir church messages/2022/transcriptserviceo-and-s200222epiph7c.pdf
Lynn's service 13/02/22
documents/orphir church messages/2022/130222-service.docx
Martin's service 06/02/2022
documents/orphir church messages/2022/transcriptservorphirstenness060222epiph5c.pdf
Martin's service 16/01/2022
documents/orphir church messages/2022/transrcommservorphirstenness160122epiph2c.pdf
Christmas Reflections
documents/orphir church messages/2021/because-of-bethlehem-by-max-lucado-services.docx
Watchnight Service 24/12/2021
Martin's service 19/12/21
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptservice9lessonscarols2021.docx
Martin's service 05/12/21
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptserviceorphir051221advent2c.pdf
Martin's service 21/11/21
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptservorphir211121christkingb.pdf
Martin@s service 07/11/21
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptservorphir071121prop27b.pdf
Martin's service 31/10/21
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptbaptismservorphir311021rev.pdf
Martin's service 17/10/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptservorphir171021harvest.pdf
Lynn's service 10/10/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/lynns-service-10.10.21.pdf
A transcript of services led by Martin for those who are unable to attend in person
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptserviceorphir031021prop22b.pdf
An archive of all the services prepared by Martin during the temporary closure of the Kirk
Zoom service 04/07/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptserviceorphirstenness040721prop9b.pdf
Zoom service 27/06/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptzoomservice270621proper8b.pdf
Zoom service 20/06/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptzoomservice200621prop7b.pdf
Zoom service 13/06/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptzoomservice130621prop6b.pdf
Zoom service 06/06/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcript-zoomservice060621prop5b.pdf
Zoom service 30/05/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptzoomservice300521trinityb.docx
Zoom service 23/05/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/finaltranscriptzoomserv230521pentb.pdf
Zoom service 16/05/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptzoomservice160521easter7b.pdf
Zoom service 09/05/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptzoomservice090521easter6b1.pdf
Zoom service 02/05/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptzoomservice020521easter5b.pdf
Zoom service 25/04/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptzoomservice250421easter4b.pdf
Zoom service 18/04/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptzoomservice180421easter3b.pdf
Zoom Service 11/04/21
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptzoomservice110421easter-2b.pdf
Zoom Service 04/04/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptzoomeastercommunion2021.pdf
Zoom Service 28/03/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptzoomservorphirstenness2803021palmsunb.pdf
Zoom Service 21/03/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptzoomservice210321lent5b.pdf
Zoom Service 14/03/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptzoomservice140321lent4b.pdf
Zoom service 07/03/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptzoomservice070321lent3b.pdf
documents/orphir church messages/2021/210303-holy-week.pdf
Zoom service 28/02/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/zoomservice280221lent2b.pdf
Zoom service 21/02/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptzoomservice210221lent1b.pdf
Zoom service 14/02/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptzoomservice140221.pdf
Zoom service 07/02/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptzoomservice070221epiph5b.pdf
Zoom service 31/01/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptzoomservice310121-1.pdf
Zoom Service 24/01/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptzoomservice240121.pdf
Here is a transcript of the Zoom service from 17/01/2021
documents/orphir church messages/2021/transcriptzoomservice170121.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 10/01/21
documents/orphir church messages/2021/service-o-and-s100121.pdf
3rd Jan 2021 Zoom New Year Service at 11am - link to the transcript
documents/orphir church messages/2021/o-and-sservice030121.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 27/12/2020
documents/orphir church messages/serviceo-and-s271220.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 20/12/2020
documents/orphir church messages/christmasmessagehandout201220.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 13/12/20
documents/orphir church messages/serviceo-and-s131220advent.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 06/12/20
documents/orphir church messages/serviceo-and-s061220.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 29/11/20
documents/orphir church messages/service-o-and-s291120.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 22/11/20
documents/orphir church messages/service-o-and-s-22112020.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 15/11/20
documents/orphir church messages/service-o-and-s-151120.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 08/11/20
documents/orphir church messages/service-o-and-s-081120.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 01/11/20
documents/orphir church messages/serviceo-and-s111020.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 25/10/2020
documents/orphir church messages/serviceo-and-s25102020.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 18/10/2020
documents/orphir church messages/service-o-and-s-181020-harvest.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 11/10/2020
documents/orphir church messages/serviceo-and-s111020.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 04/10/2020
documents/orphir church messages/serviceo-and-s041020.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 27/09/2020
documents/orphir church messages/service-o-and-s-270920.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 20/09/2020
documents/orphir church messages/serviceo-and-s200920.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 13/09/2020
documents/orphir church messages/serviceo-and-s130920.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 06/09/2020
documents/orphir church messages/service-o-and-s-060920.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 30/08/2020
documents/orphir church messages/serviceo-and-s30082020.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 23/08/2020
documents/orphir church messages/serviceo-and-s230820.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 16/08/2020
documents/orphir church messages/serviceo-and-s160820.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 09/08/2020
documents/orphir church messages/service-o-and-s-090820.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 02/08/2020
documents/orphir church messages/service-o-and-s-020820.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 26/07/2020
documents/orphir church messages/service-o-and-s-260720.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 19/07/2020
documents/orphir church messages/service-o-and-s-190720.docx
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 12/07/2020
documents/orphir church messages/service-o-and-s-120720.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 05/07/2020
documents/orphir church messages/service-o-and-s-050720prop9a.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 28/06/2020
documents/orphir church messages/service-o-and-s-280620.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 21/06/2020
documents/orphir church messages/service-o-and-s-210620.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 14/06/2020
documents/orphir church messages/serviceo-and-s140620.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 07/06/2020
documents/orphir church messages/serviceo-and-s070620.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 31/05/2020
documents/orphir church messages/serviceo-and-s310520.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 24/05/2020
documents/orphir church messages/serviceo-and-s240520.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 17/05/2020
documents/orphir church messages/serviceo-and-s170520.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 10/05/2020
documents/orphir church messages/serviceo-and-s100520.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 03/05/2020
documents/orphir church messages/sunday030520.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 26/04/2020
documents/orphir church messages/sunday260420easter3.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for this Sunday 19/04/2020
documents/orphir church messages/sunday190420easter2b.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for Easter Sunday 12/04/2020
documents/orphir church messages/easterserviceo-and-s120420.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for Palm Sunday 05/04/2020
documents/orphir church messages/orphir050420palmsuna.pdf
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for 29/03/2020
The building is closed. The church is open
Make us ready:
Holy One,
As we walk the road toward Easter,
we see earthly kingdom powers closing in on Jesus.
As we walk the road toward Easter,
we feel the viral spread of anxiety closing in on our lives.
We are worried and afraid.
Make us ready to go with Jesus.
Give us the courage of the disciples to follow him.
Give us the confidence of Martha to name his power.
Give us the trust of Mary to share our grief with him.
Give us the vulnerability of Jesus to shed our tears, trusting that he weeps with us.
Make us ready, we pray in Christ’s name. Amen.
Prayer by Martha Spong
In all our doubts and fears it is good to remember St. Paul's words in Romans 8:38-39:
I am sure that nothing can separate us from God’s love—not life or death, not angels or spirits, not the present or the future, and not powers above or powers below. Nothing in all creation can separate us from God’s love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord! (Contemporary English Version)
Here is a link to the service planned by Martin for 22/03/2020
documents/orphir church messages/service-22.03.2020.pdf
- There is to be no worship or social gatherings in Church of Scotland kirks. At this difficult time, please do keep in touch with others in the community by phone or through email. Our kirk will function in a different way over the coming weeks.
- Orphir and Stenness kirk will send an email each weekend with the Link and a service prepared by Martin. Please let Nicol know if you are in contact with anyone who would like their email address added to the mailing list for Links and services.
- Those with no access to email can be contacted by phone.
- If you, or someone you are in contact with, would like to access pastoral care by telephone please contact Olivia Tait 811392, Carol Mainland 873596, Nicol Sclater 811242 or Martin Prentice 851139.
A message from Martin
Dear Friends,
As a congregation and as individuals we are facing unprecedented circumstances. We have known about the Coronavirus Covid-19 for some time, but it has come as a shock to most of us that our church services and all other activities have been cancelled till further notice. In this situation there is a possibility that some of the vulnerable people in our midst may be overlooked, or that people may lose touch. It will be important for us all to help and support one another. To that end I hope to work with others to prepare and distribute material such as Link, and complete services, by email or by post.
[While we do not have our church services, other things are already happening. You may already know that Radio Orkney will be broadcasting a half hour “radio church” at 3pm on Sunday afternoons for the next few weeks at least. Revd Susan Kirkbride was arranging to do the first one on Sunday 22nd March 2020, and ministers from other churches and denominations will be in the studio in the weeks to come to present a short service with well-known hymns and songs so that you can join in at home.
In addition, Rev. John Butterfield hopes to put a short service on Facebook every day – see ]*
This will be a challenging time for everybody, a time to look out for others, especially for those in need, and to look out for ourselves as well. It is a time for prayer. In the words of the Moderator, Rt Rev Colin Sinclair:
“May congregations find new ways of living though this time.
May we not forget our faith, but draw strength from it.”
You will find the complete prayer on the Church of Scotland Website at:
If I can be of particular help to anyone, please contact me by phone on 01856-851139 or by email on [email protected]
May God bless you all.
Here is a message from June Freeth:
Hi All,
I just thought I would share this online service.
There is a play list link below which you can run through if you wish to listen to a full service with prayers and hymns or links to just the sermon and final blessing. Please forward this on to anyone that you think might be lonely or missing church today.
God Bless,