
About ONFA

ONFA's Constitutuion is in the Library

Contact us here


Membership rates are:

Individual £8
Family (Couple + Children under 18)  £16
Corporate  £20
To join ONFA come to any meeting or e-mail us and we'll get back to you.


For further information on ONFA or its activities contact any member of the committee:
Chairman:  John Butterfield
Vice Chairman: Lorna Brown
Secretary: John Mowat
Treasurer: James Watson
Minute Secretary: Jim McLeish
Membership Secretary:Colin Borland
Social Convener: Agnes Watson
Press & Publicity : Ishbel Borland
                                        Newsletter : Lorna Brown and  Ishbel Borland 

Archivist : Sandy Cowie

Posters :Ishbel

Committee Members: Fiona Wylie, Violet Flett, Dorothy Rendall, Caroline Robertson




Webpage/ Facebook  Ishbel Borland Telephone 851043

Honorary President: Connie Grieve
Honorary Vice President: Captain Bill Spence                                            Honorary Vice President: Ove Bach (Grimstad)
Honorary Vice President: Retired Consul Rolf Hestness (Bergen)

Committee as of January 2022


The Newsletter is published twice a year. See Library.
Comments, Letters, Questions, Articles, Photos etc. should be e-mailed  [email protected]

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