
Join Kirkwall Kayak Club

Click HERE to download an adult membership form.

Click HERE to download a Junior Membership Form.
Please note: Our forms are fillable online using a computer but not a mobile phone.

KKC Membership falls due in November when we begin pool training.

KKC Membership Fees
Adults               £35
Under 18 Years  £20

You can email completed membership forms to [email protected].
Our bank details for payment:  Sort Code 82-66-02  Account No 20043618  Kirkwall Kayak Club

Alternatively please return completed membership form with correct remittance to the Membership Secretary:

Dennis Bichan
Crantit Farm
St Ola
KW15 1RZ

KKC Constitutiion

KKC Child Protection Policy

KKC Child Protection Code of Conduct

KKC Data Protection Policy

KKC Environment Protection Policy

sitemap | cookie policy | privacy policy | accessibility statement