Donating items to Restart Orkney
You can either drop items off to our showroom at 62 Junction Road, Kirkwall (during our opening hours) or we can collect items free of charge for Mainland Orkney.
We can only accept items that are suitable for resale or refurbish. Please see our acceptable items page for further information on items we can accept.
Our free collection service runs Monday to Friday for Mainland Orkney.
Collection scheduling may be subject to change.
We reserve the right to refuse items that we deem to be unusable as disposal of such items would cost money to our charity.
For further information or to book in your free collection you can contact us on;
Phone - (01856) 879 777
Email - [email protected]
PM us on Social Media
Goods you donate to Restart Orkney will then be recycled locally to those in need or put up for resale in our shop so we can keep offering the valuable services we provide.