
Hamnavoe Nature Cruise - FULLY BOOKED

Where: Stromness

When: Sunday 12th May departs 13:15 returns 16:15 

With: NorthLink Ferries

Cost:  £20 Adults / £10 Children / Infants go free

Booking Required: Yes call 0800 111 4422

Contact: NorthLink

This is a unique opportunity to circumnavigate Hoy! Step aboard the MV Hamnavoe for cliffs teeming with seabirds and sweeping views of Scapa Flow, with tastings of local produce, a wildlife and history commentary and guides to advise.

We’ll hug the coast passing spectacular sights including Cantick Head, The Old Man of Hoy, The Berry, St John’s Head, Rackwick, Flotta and Graemsay. We'll also be keeping an eye out for seabirds and cetaceans. Passengers are sure to enjoy a fantastic day out!

Places are limited, so please contact NorthLink Ferries by phoning 0800 111 4422 (free from UK landlines and mobile phones) or visit a NorthLink Ferries office to book your tickets.

Ticket are priced at £20 for Adults, £15 for Children and FREE for infants.

Profits from the cruise will be donated to the RSPB


Cloud Sky Foy - FULLY BOOKED

Where: Stromness Town Hall

When: Sunday 12th May Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm start

With: Cloud Appreciation Society

Cost:  £10/£5 for under 18s

Booking Required: Yes https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/sky-foy

Contact: TBC

An evening of music, folklore, film, poetry and talks on theme of weather, clouds and all things sky, hosted by the Cloud Appreciation Society founder Gavin Pretor Pinney.

All table seats downstairs are sold but balcony seats are now available here  https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/sky-foy

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