
Aims and Equality Statement


We provide free, independent, impartial and confidential advice and information to ensure that people understand their rights and responsibilities and can express their needs effectively. We campaign and influence to tackle the root cause of the problems people face and work to strengthen their rights.

We believe that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity and that no client, job applicant, worker or volunteer should receive less favourable treatment than another on grounds of age, disability, gender, race, religion and belief, or sexual orientation.

We promote human rights and social justice and will not tolerate or practice unfair discrimination of any kind. We are committed to our obligation under the Equality Act 2010, and we extend these obligations to the other aspects of equality such as socio-economic status, education, personality, social exclusionand communication style.

We value diversity and promote dignity and inclusion to strengthen our network and our service.


The 12 principles of the Citizens Advice service:


All member bureaux must comply with the association’s conditions of membership, which includes 12 principles. The main principles are:

  1. Free Service – All services provided by the Citizens Advice Bureau are free of any charges, and are advertised as such.
  2. Confidentiality – All information gained during a visit will be kept private, unless given express permission by the client, to ensure the confidentiality of the client.
  3. Impartiality– Any information given during a visit will be selected based upon their usefulness to the client, instead of any biases held.
  4. Independence – Policies and practises of the bureau are decided by the bureau as a whole, as opposed to any one individual person or or external agency
  5. Accessibility – Work is done to ensure that everyone who needs the Citizens Advice Bureau's help is able to get it, and that the service is advertised to those who may need assistance.
  6. Effectiveness – The Citizen's Advice Bureau will assist its clients in the most effective manner that it is able to.
  7. Community Accountability – Every branch of the Citizens Advice Bureau is autonomous from others. Additionally, the managing staff of each bureau is decided by the community it serves, through Annual General Meetings.
  8. Client’s Right to Decide – While the service may provide and recommend certain options, the client is given the freedom to make their own choices with the information given.
  9. Voluntary Service – Each bureau is ran entirely by a staff of volunteers, who are willing to put their time into helping clients without promise of pay
  10. Empowerment – The ultimate goal of a visit is to give the client the ability to help themselves by giving them the power to solve their own problems.
  11. Information Retrieval – Information gathered through services will be used to support social polices, unless this information would break a client's confidentiality.
  12. Generalist Service – The Citizens Advice Bureau works to resolve any type of problem. If problems cannot be resolved by the bureau itself, work will be done to ensure the client gets a specialist who can assist.

More information for each of the principles can be found on the CAS Website

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