
Online Booking

Book now!

Please click on the link above to login to our booking system.

If you are not registered on the system and do not have a link to register, CLICK HERE to apply for a link.

Once registered, login with your email and password, stay in day mode, choose the day of the session you wish to join and scroll down the Kayaker column to the white section. 

Double click on the first available white space and the New Booking Form will appear.  It is already populated and all you have to do is click on the green Confirm Booking button on the bottom left corner.

Check your inbox a few minutes later and you should find an email confirming your booking.

You can book up to 10 days in advance and booking closes at 2pm on the day of an evening session.

Please do not be confused by the booking time on the form or on your confirmation email.  The form is marked in 15 minute slots but that is just a workaround we have to implement.  All trips and sessions meet up at the advertised time.

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