
Stones & Bones events

** N.B. alterations: the Soulka committee has decided that the Saturday evening presentation, concert & social are all scheduled for too late a time. The Lighthouse visit has therefore been changed to Sunday evening - AFTER the boat. This will allow us to reschedule Sunday night's timings, encouraging more people to come out for the special session. If you're visiting from Kirkwall, why not stay until Monday morning, then catch the ferry from Sanday at 0800 - arriving Kirkwall 0925.  We're very sorry if anyone is disappointed by this - but hope you'll stay over with us. Of course you could (and we hope you will) come to another Soulka weekend as well.


Sanday Heritage Centre at West Cott, Lady Village, will be open all day.

The morning ferry leaves Kirkwall at 1010 and arrives on Sanday at 1155

1230-1630 'The Sanday Experience' all-inclusive lunch, Introductory presentation, minibus tour of the island, optional tea; 'phone 01857-600341 for details and booking.

1400-1800 Open Studio: Bill McArthur at Lettan

afternoon Kite-surfing demonstration by experts at a beach to be decided on the day (dependent on wind strength and direction

1815 The afternoon ferry leaves Sanday, arriving in Kirkwall at 1940

Opportunities for meals at local hostelries

1930-2100 Traditional Dancing at the Community School Hall

from 2130 Music at Kettletoft Hotel: James & Jake Watson 


Sanday Heritage Centre at West Cott, Lady Village, will be open all day.

Orkney Ferries depart Kirkwall 0740; arrive Sanday 0905

and depart Kirkwall 1640; arrive Sanday 1805

0930-1230 Kayak tour for 16+ year-old volunteers. Instructors from Orkney Sea Kayak Association (OSKA) will be here, but there is only room for up to six participants in the closely supervised tour. If the weather is favourable, the group will go from Kettletoft to Elsness, and may even go around Elsness to visit the Quoyness Chambered Cairn with Mary Saunders, an archaeologist member of OSKA. Phone 01857-600341 to book.

1000-1500 Sanday Development Trust's Re-use Centre at Kettletoft open

1100-1200 'Bones' - a hands-on demonstration and presentation by Ingrid Mainland in the Community Room

1100-1600 Sanday Spinners Open Workshop & Demonstration; call at any time to see the Sanday Spinners in action at Little Isegarth. Handspun wool & knitted items for sale.

1200-1500 Open Studio: Dominique Cameron at Sandquoy

Opportunities for meals at local hostelries

afternoon Kite-surfing demonstration by experts at a beach to be decided on the day (dependent on wind strength and direction)

1400-1700 Kayak & Canoe 'taster sessions' of 5-10 minutes for those aged 12 or more. Instruction and supervision by members of OSKA; paddling at Kettletoft. Phone 01857-600341 for more details & booking.

1500-1600 'Sanday Rune-stone & other runes' - a presentation by Michael Barnes in the Community Room.

1815 Boat leaves Sanday, arriving Kirkwall 1940


1900 'Landing in Paradise - the Scar Viking Boat Burial on Sanday' - a presentation by Olwyn Owen, co-author of the book about the excavation. Community Room

 2000 Meet the archaeologists... while the musicians prepare for the....

2030 Evening concert - listen to 'Broken Strings', winners of the Danny Kyle Award at Celtic Connections in January 2011...

and finally, another chance for a drink and something to eat, and a further chat with the experts before bedtime. 


Sanday Heritage Centre at West Cott, Lady Village, will be open all day.

Orkney Ferries depart Kirkwall 0900; arrive Sanday 1045

0930-1230 Kayak tour for 16+ year-old volunteers. Instructors from Orkney Sea Kayak Association (OSKA) will be here, but there is only room for up to six participants in the closely supervised tour. If the weather is favourable, the group will go from Kettletoft to Elsness, and may even go around Elsness to visit the Quoyness Chambered Cairn with Mary Saunders, an archaeologist member of OSKA. Phone 01857-600341 to book.

1000-1045 'Underwater Archaeology' - a presentation by Caroline Wickham-Jones in the Community Room

1130-1230 Cross Kirk

1100-1600 Sanday Spinners Open Workshop & Demonstration; call at any time to see the Sanday Spinners in action at Little Isegarth. Handspun wool & knitted items for sale.

Opportunities for meals at local hostelries

afternoon Kite-surfing demonstration by experts at a beach to be decided on the day (dependent on wind strength and direction)

from 12 noon until the evening boat - Exhibition of archaeological artefacts discovered on the island - 'on loan' from Orkney Museum to Sanday Heritage Centre at West Cott, Lady Village

1300-1500 Garsdale Railway Station c. 1962 - a working model on display at Sandgarth, thanks to Evan Williams

1330-1615 Hnefatafl - meet a Viking lady and learn to play the Viking Board game with Ragnhild Ljosland at the Heritage Centre.

1330-1530 Open Studio: Ruth Brough at Millhouse

1330-1430 Swimming Pool open - extra session

1330-1615 Archaeologists' Forum at the Heritage Centre. All of the experts will be there and hope very much that if you have any local 'finds' you will bring them along to show them. They will chat informally, and there will be refreshments available through the afternoon. If the weather's fine, the courtyard outside the Centre will be used for refreshments - and if numbers are large (and we hope they are) some of the experts will be outside as well.

1400-1600 Kayak & Canoe 'taster sessions' of 5-10 minutes for those aged 12 or more. Instruction and supervision by members of OSKA; paddling at Kettletoft. Phone 01857-600341 for more details & booking.

1615-c. 1645 'Sanday's Archaeology' - Julie Gibson, Orkney's county archaeologist, will give an informal final talk at the Heritage Centre, underlining Sanday's rich and varied archaeological heritage.

1720 Orkney Ferries depart Sanday, arrive Kirkwall 1905


1900 Lighthouse visit - further details & booking (essential) 01857-600341



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