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u3a Walking Group Two - June 2023

by Ellie - 21:50 on 16 June 2023

Walk on Flotta on 12th June 2023

Eight of us left on the 8.00am. ferry to Flotta on Monday 12th June, dressed in our usual Orkney walking gear, coats and jumpers, on the hottest day so far this year, needless to say, the coats and jumpers were soon removed.  The weather was perfect, non-stop sun, clear blue sky, and for once no wind.

On arriving at Gibraltar Pier, which was constructed during WW11 and modified in1983, we made our way to the remains of the Naval cinema, which is surrounded by spruce trees, these were planted during WW11 by the navel ratings: after a quick rendition of ‘we will meet again’ we set off and made our way along the coastal path.  Firstly, passing the penguins, created from recycled and scrap materials by a local man, then an old cannon and lastly the disused airfield.  After finding a perfect spot on an old gunnery post we stopped for a coffee break.  As we continued on our way the keen-eyed birdie folk among us spotted a Pomarine Skua, and Artic Skuas.  Walking on and passing a few of the wartime sites we took a very short detour and explored one of the many old gun emplacements. 

Our stop for lunch was a super spot, again at Sue’s suggestion, just next to the kirk, a bench for the over 65’s and the grass for anyone under 65.  The Kirk was open, so we took the opportunity to have a visit.   Our walk took us inland to the Heritage Centre which contains all aspects of the island’s history with a dwelling house alongside which is slowly being furnished with a 1940’s theme to complement the island’s many wartime sites.   

Realising we were running out of time we stepped up our pace in time to catch the return 2.25pm. ferry.   We managed to walk seven miles, a little bit further than originally planned, but it was a super day with good company and excellent weather.

Our next walk is on Monday 10 July, details to be sent out at a later date.

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