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U3A Botany Group 18 Aug 2021

by Kate Sutton - 17:32 on 18 August 2021
A small but select group of 3 group members met at the Maeshowe visitor centre car park and took one car up to Russadale. The weather was overcast, with occasional breaks of sunshine, and although threatening rain, we were lucky to have a shower free walk, the rain only beginning when we returned to the car. 
The walk up to the quarry included late flowering plants, and those that had finished flowering.  We were pleased to identify many of the latter from their seed heads and leaves.  The mixture of flowering plants included a profusion of valerian all along the path, a stand of sneezewort and, to our great delight, we found a patch of sundew, almost in flower, at the head of the quarry.  Some blaeberries beside the track provided each of us with a delicious taste of a berry.
The sound of the burn running, and an occasional puddle was a welcome change from the arid conditions of a few weeks ago.
We identified the following list of flowering flora.  Angelica, Cat’s-ear, two types of Eyebright, Meadowsweet, Tormentil, Devil’s-bit Scabious, Meadow Vetchling, Marsh Ragwort, Ling, Bell Heather, Cross-leaved Heather, Rosebay Willowherb, Autumnal Hawkbit, Sneezewort, Valerian, Creeping Thistle, Marsh Thistle, and Spear Thistle, Perennial Sow Thistle, Meadow Buttercup, Selfheal, Ragged Robin, Round-leaved Sundew, Lesser Spearwort, Red and White Clover, Water Forget-me-not.
Other flora included Stinging Nettle, Broad-leaved Dock, Water Avens, Yellow Rattle, Hogweed, Primrose, Hard Fern, Broad Buckler-Fern, Common Cotton-grass, Field,Marsh and Wood Horsetail, Blaeberry, Salmonberry, Marsh Marigold, Marsh Cinquefoil, Slender St John’s-wort, Butterwort, Silverweed, Greater Wood Rush, Common Sorrel.

Round-leaved Sundew

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