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U3A Walking Group - July 2021
by Tim Wright - 10:04 on 16 July 2021
Eleven of us met at the Sands of Wright to walk around Hoxa Head .It was overcast and a bit breezy but the sun soon came out and layers were shed .We followed the main road past the Tapestry Gallery spotting two young Arctic Terns at the Quarry on the way .We went up the farm track straight to the point where we stopped for a while looking for Whales or dolphins but they were on their Summer Holidays elsewhere .Back along the cliff path with increasing sun ,taking the left hand turning by the Quarry .Then back via a quiet back road with good views of the Flow and a Tanker being shepherded in by two Tugs .We then went along side the Lochan at the bottom of the hill and back to the car park .A good 4+ miles on a lovely day .Some then headed off but many stayed and enjoyed a picnic at the top of the beach watching the six bathers in the sea . Nobody felt hot enough to join them unlike the Photography Group trip to Hoy last week .
The next meeting is on Friday 13 th August .With a date like that ,the Venue will be carefully considered and communicated nearer the time depending on the forecast .
Keep moving ,Tim.
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