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Chairman's blog
by Peter Slater - 17:11 on 13 March 2018
A U3A committee meeting was held at Vagaland, Stromness on Tuesday 6th March.
Peter reported that he had signed up a complete list of speakers for the current calendar year. Sally would produce “bookmarks” listing these in time for the AGM. Plans for the 10th anniversary party on 19th April were taking shape; 67 people had accepted the invitation. After lunch most groups would have displays for people to look at, and from 2.30 onwards three groups would make brief presentations, with cake and bubbly to follow at around 3pm. Living Orkney, the Orcadian and Radio Orkney would be invited to attend. A raffle would help to recoup some of the costs. Arrangements for the AGM were also discussed. The main news from groups was that Tim had instituted a walking group, which had proved very popular with 16 members expressing interest.
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