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Chairman's Blog Jan 2018

by Peter Slater - 08:27 on 22 January 2018

A committee meeting was held in the MacGillivray Room after the General Meeting on Thursday 18th January. The main item for discussion was the arrangements for the 10th Birthday Celebration to be held on 19th April. All members will be invited to this and, finances being in reasonable shape, there will be no charge for attendance. As discussed previously, a buffet lunch will be served, followed by presentations by all the groups and the afternoon will end with birthday cake. The committee had visited King Street Halls and a plan had been devised for the layout of displays. Each group was involved in planning what its contribution would be. Invitations to would go out at the end of February. Peter also reported on the search for candidates to take over from Sally and Fiona as Treasurer and Secretary which had not so far been successful. Judy O’Connor had kindly offered to organise the Christmas lunch, which would make the role of Secretary less onerous and hopefully therefore easier to fill. Various other possibilities were discussed.

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