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by Margaret - 18:41 on 01 July 2017
U3A Botany Group visit to Cuween Hill, Finstown on Tuesday, 27th June
Eight folk enjoyed our botanising on a cold, but dry afternoon. We started at the lower car park
looking at the plants near the car park and on the track sides. Above the upper car park we
branched left onto a peedie path to the ruin of "The Ranch", with its well disintegrated car and
buildings overgrown with fuchsia, honeysuckle and elder. We re-traced our steps to the main track
up to Cuween Hill Cairn and then descended the same track. The following plants were seen:-
Ragwort, pink Campion, Primrose, Tormentil, field Buttercup, red and white Clover, Sorrel,
Dock, Nettles, Ragged Robin, Meadowsweet, Daisy, Dandelion, Birds-foot- trefoil, Yellow-rattle,
Lady’s-mantle, Lady’s Bedstraw, Spear Thistle, Marsh Thistle, Hogweed, Cow Parsley, Horse tail,
Cats-ear, Heath Speedwell, Glaucous Sedge, Ribwort Plantain, Great Plantain, Cuckoo Flower, Sweet
Rocket, Willow Herb, Bluebells(!), Calluna, Bell Heather, Hard Fern, Buckler Fern, Bush Vetch,
Meadow Vetchling, Coltsfoot, Mayweed, Eyebright, St. John's Wort, Bog Cotton, Milkwort and lots
of unidentified rushes and lots of grasses.
The highlight of the day was the many Twayblades. There were also many Northern Marsh Orchids
and Heath Spotted Orchids plus hybrids.
Keen eyes also spotted one magpie moth, one common blue butterfly and one small whitish moth.
Thank you to all who came and identified plants.
Starting Out
Marsh Thistle
Common Twayblade
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